My Good Fortune

God had been good enough to provide me with two god-like elder brothers who had brought me up to this position today.

We were 5 brothers. We lost our eldest brother some fifteen years back.

I lost my father when I was in seventh class. Ever since our father expired, our eldest brother, late Shri Chaganti Suryanarayana Murty shouldered the responsibility of bringing up all of us ..we four brothers and two unmarried sisters apart from our mother. Plus my eldest brother had his own family. Only source of income was my eldest brother's State Government job at the time of my father's unfortunate expiry. Needless to say, my eldest brother had financial crisis. We had no ancestral property to support us. Under the circumstances who would take upon himself the responsibility of bringing up all of us. Not only that. He brought us all up like a father. Words fail to explain the way he sacrificed voluntarily all his comforts for our sake.

After secondary education my eldest brother got me admitted in Government Arts College, Rajahmundry although he had three children, two of whom were school going then. Readers, please tell me if I could name him great Dharma raja. All through my studies he would make necessary arrangements for books and other essentialities.  He only wanted our progress ever.

God had been more kind enough to me in providing another exceptional elder brother, whom we call Rambabu, Shri Chaganti Surya Rama Chandra Murty, now a Preceptor, Shri Ram Chandra Mission. This brother also sacrificed his lot for our sake. Although he got a decent government job, he had vowed not to marry until we were settled in life.

I could procure a government job only due to support and training he imparted in this respect. He used to forgo his comforts many times for my sake. He was responsible for my joining Shri Ram Chandra Mission which enabled me to seek Master's Grace all these years.

It was due to these two unique brothers that I could secure a decent government  job and retire as class I officer of Government of India.


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